IPv6 Promotion Council
IPv6 Core Protocol SWG
This SWG is working on development of test specification and test tool to ensure interoperability between equipments implementing "IPv6 Core Protocols" that is the most fundamental and common technology to communicate among the devices.
IPv6 is expected to offer the IP addresses which is required for further growth of the Internet. At the same time, IPv6 is also expected to enable new utilization form represented by such as IoT, Networked Home Appliance, Mobile Terminal. In such circumstances, the devices attached to the network became diverse. Then the device will be optimized based on the usage of each device. It is important to ensure the fundamental interoperability among the devices to allow users to use any devices at ease. To acheve it, it is required to pick out the commonly required functiokns and develop the evaluation technique from neutral position.
We develop the test specifications and tools to validate the equipment as a means to ensure interoperability between equipments. The purpose of this activity is to promote the wide use of them, and to establish them as the international standard of test specification for the equipment.
More specifically, we aim for these specifications and tools to be adopted in "IPv6 Ready Logo Program" that is international activity to ensure the connectivity of IPv6 equipments.
  • 2003-09 : We developed the test specifications and tools. IPv6 Ready Logo Committee have been adopted as the basis for the test specification of IPv6 Ready Logo Phase-1.
  • 2005-02 : We developed the test specifications and tools. IPv6 Ready Logo Committee have been adopted as the basis for the test specification of IPv6 Ready Logo Phase-2.
IPv6 Core Protocol SWG main activity
In the following events, we cordinate the interoperability test and validated our test tools.
  • TAHI Interoperability Test Event by TAHI Project
  • ETSI Plugtest by ETSI
  • Connectathon by SUN Microsystems
IPv6 Core Protocol SWG chronology
  • Successive chairman of SWG
    • 2003-11 : Yukiyo Akisada(Yokogawa Electric Corporation)
  • Member companies
    • Yokogawa Electric Corporation
We would like to express thanks to the following organizations for their cooperation.
  • IPv6 Forum
  • Connectathon(USA)
  • Chunghwa Telecom(TAIWAN)
  • WIDE Project(JAPAN)
  • KAME Project(JAPAN)
  • USAGI Project(JAPAN)
  • TAHI Project(JAPAN)
Some part of this activity was supported by NICT(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) and Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

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