IPv6 Promotion Council
This SWG is working on activities to ensure interoperability between equipments implementing "SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)" that is a technology to establish P2P communication such as IP telephony.
"SIP" is a highly scalable protocol to realize the multimedia communication session establishment. However, the specification has become complex due to the high scalability, and there are high possibilities that interpretation differs among vendors and misinterpretation can occur. For these reasons, it is difficult to ensure interoperability between the various equipments. Further, in many cases, checking the normal operation in accordance with the SIP standard is not enough to ensure interoperability between equipments. It is also necessary to establish the neutral testing method to check interoperability between equipments.

"IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)" which has been adopted as the base technology for the NGN (Next Generation Network) uses the signaling protocol which is extended based on SIP. Thus it is assumed that a similar problem will occur in IMS. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the testing method to check IMS interoperability as well.
We develop the test specifications and tools to validate the equipment as a means to ensure interoperability between equipments. The purpose of this activity is to promote the wide use of them, and to establish them as the international standard of test specification for the equipment.
More specifically, we aim for these specifications and tools to be adopted in "IPv6 Ready Logo Program" that is international activity to ensure the connectivity of IPv6 equipments.
2003-11/2013-03 (conclusion)
  • 2007-04-27 : We developed the test specifications and tools. They have been adopted as the basis for the test specification of IPv6 Ready Logo Phase-2 SIP.
SIP SWG main activity
In the following events, we validated our test tools.
  • TAHI Interoperability Test Event by TAHI Project
  • SIPit organized by SIP Forum
  • IMS Plugtests by ETSI
  • IMS Plugfest by IMS/NGN Forum
SIP SWG chronology
  • Successive chairman of SWG
    • 2003-11 : Naotaka Morita (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation)
    • 2005-11 : Yoshio Yoshida (NTT Advanced Technology Corporation)
    • 2010-07 : Naomi Orimo (NTT Advanced Technology Corporation)
  • Member companies
    • Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
    • Nippon Advanced Technology Corporation
We would like to express thanks to the following organizations.
  • TAHI Project(JAPAN)
  • IPv6 Forum
  • SIP Forum
  • Hotaru Project(JAPAN)
  • Chunghwa Telecom(TAIWAN)
This activity was supported in part by a grant from NICT(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology).