IPv6 Promotion Council
Business Testbed WG
IPv6 Verification Environment(Testbed) [2010.05.19]

As of 5 December, 2011

IPv6 Verification Environment(Testbed)

IPv4 addresses are on the verge of exhaustion, and in order to keep on expanding and developing the internet environment, we should work to address the exhaustion problem.

Especially, companies providing network related services and/or devices need to introduce new technologies to solve IPv4 addresses exhaustion problem so that they can provide their services continuously and keep their competitiveness.

Business Testbed WG in IPv6 Promotion Council is providing a testbed for new technologies for such companies and organizations. Through the testbed, they can verify new technologies like Large Scale NAT and/or IPv6, which can be the solutions to the IPv4 address exhaustion problems.

*This testbed is provided as a part of a contract named "Experiment in testbed for adapting to IP version 6", by of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) in 2010.

Examples of the testbed usage

You may use this testbed for any verification technologies and measures to address IPv4 address exhaustion problem.


  • Bring equipment to the testbed for verifying the IPv6 migration steps by recreating your own company's network in the testbed.
  • Utilize the equipment in the testbed for verifying IPv6 migration procedures.
  • Test technologies such as LSN using the testbed equipment.

Click to enlarge

Connectivity provided by the testbed

  • IPv4 Internet connectivity (full route)
  • IPv6 Internet connectivity (full route)
  • Multi-home environment

Brief Information of the testbed

Operated by:
Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC)
Supported by:
Task Force on IPv4 Address Exhaustion, Japan
IPv6 Promotion Council
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Shin-Kawasaki Town Campus, Keio University
Utilization Fee:
No utilization fee is required.
If you need to bring in your own equipment, please bear the transportation cost.
Duration of usage:
Maximum about 1 month
How to apply:
From December 5th, 2011, Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) receive IPv6 testbed applications and inquiries. Please refer "IPv6 testbed" page(Japanese only) in the JPNIC website for applications and inquiries.