

2003.09.24 Implementation Award Ceremony Held
On September 19th, the Implementation Award Second Stage Award
Ceremony was held at the Tokyo 21 Club in central Tokyo. The Ceremony
served as a finale for the IPv6 Appli Contest 2003 held over the
IPv6 Promotion Council President, Professor Jun Murai was joined
as a presenter by Shuji Tomita, Executive Vice-President of NTT
Presentation of the Contest Grand Prix Award and Second Stage
Implementation Awards for Excellence was conducted together with the
recognition of four additional entries under two special award
categories - the Special Judges Award and the Murai Award.
Winning Entries:
Awards for Excellence
gIP Monitoring Toolh Dr. Sureswaran Ramadess (University of Science Malaysia, Malaysia)
gConference over IPh Yutaro Ono (Japan)
gHierarchical Mobile IPv6h Yeali S. Sun (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
gRemote Sharing Tool Among Multiple Points of the Focus Pointh Noritaka Osawa (Media Education Development Center, Japan)
2003 Contest Grand Prix Award
gRemote Sharing Tool Among Multiple Points of the Focus Pointh Noritaka Osawa (Media Education Development Center, Japan)
Special Judges Award
gIPv6 Start-Up Kith Wataru Yokota (Japan)
Murai Award
g3‹(Three Degrees)h Microsoft
gHigh Speed Access Network Technology by VLAN Technology and EAP Authenticationh NTT Network Service System Laboratories
gMIPv6 Powered Carh Renault, Cisco Systems
[Details and downloads] of the winning entries will be available shortly.
š@[Details and downloads]@¨@http://www.v6pc.jp/apc/en/invitation.html

2003.09.12 Internet Live - Implementation Award Ceremony
On September 19th, a live Internet broadcast will be performed for the Implementation Award Second Stage Award Ceremony. The relay station will be located at the Tokyo 21 Club, 7F Maru Building in Tokyo.
*The live webcast was finished
2003.8.12 How to Update Windows Applications to Support IPv6
IPv6style presents an article on modifying Windows applications for IPv6.
Reference: http://www.ipv6style.jp/en/apps/latest.shtml
(IPv6style is produced by Impress in coordination with NTT Communications.)
2003.7.10 Implementation Award Entry document changed!!
Implementation Award Entry document requirements have been changed slightly to make the evaluation process run smoother. Please review details on the Rules for Application page.
2003.7.09 Implementation Award First Stage Award Ceremony held !!
The Implementation Award First Stage Award Ceremony was held on July 4 on the IPv6 Showcase stage at Networld + Interop Tokyo.
The Award Ceremony featured presentations and comments by Yasuki Saito, the IPv6 Project leader at NTT Communications and Hiroshi Esaki, Executive Director of the IPv6 Promotion Council of Japan.
Two entries were selected as First Stage Award winners:
[DVConf] an entry from Keel Networks and [CyberLink IPv6 for Java] a creation of Satoshi Konno.
[DVConf] is an IP based (IPv6/IPv4) video conference tool using IEEE 1394 digital camera input and providing real time compression rate control allowing its flexible use over various network bandwidths.
[CyberLink IPv6 for Java] combines the benefits of Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), Java and IPv6 in an opensource package that can be used in PDA's, cell phones and basically any Java virtual machine.
Representatives of both winning entries were on hand to receive their awards.
Software downloads and more information on the first stage winning entries and other first stage entries can be found on the Awards page.

[Implementation Award First Stage Award Ceremony]
From left:Satoshi Konno, Satoshi Tomiyama [Keel Networks], Yasuki Saito [IPv6 Project Leader, NTT Communications], Hiroshi Esaki [Executive Director, IPv6 Promotion Council of Japan]

Yasuki Saito [IPv6 Project Leader, NTT Communications](left)
Hiroshi Esaki [Executive Director, IPv6 Promotion Council of Japan](right)
2003.6.12 FTP server set up!
For implementation submissions, please contact the Appli-Contest Office apc-sec@v6pc.jp to have your password and ID issued.
2003.6.3 Implementation Award Submission Deadlines Restructured in Two Stages
In response to requests from numerous applicants to extend the
development period applying to implementation entries, the Implemntation
Award submission deadlines have been restructured as follows.
First Stage (original deadline)
12:00 noon, Sunday, June 22, 2003 (JST)
Second Stage (extended deadline)
24:00 midnite, Sunday, August 31, 2003 (JST)
An evaluation and review of entries will take place
following BOTH stages. Three entries will be selected
from BOTH the first and second stages as Awards for Excellence.
The Grand Prize winner will be selected from among the six
Award for Excellence winners.
Applicants submitting during the first stage may update their work and
are eligible to resubmit to the second stage
Please refer to the [Awards] and [On Judgement, Publication and Award Ceremony]
pages for further detail.
2003.5.13 Idea Award Winners Announced!
Awards were presented for the initial "Idea" phase of the contest in a ceremony held on May 13, 2003, linking the Tokyo 21c Club, a venue in central Tokyo, and the Madrid IPv6 Global Summit venue in a live IPv6 broadcast.
This process culminated with the selection of 10 highly praised entries. 5 works [Award for Promotion] provided with 150,000 yen each toward implementation assistance and an additional 5 works [Award for Planning] allocated 50,000 yen each. We look forward with high expectation to the upcoming implementation of these and many other Idea Award entries.
A complete listing of all Idea Award entries can be found at: http://www.v6pc.jp/apc/en/invitation.html
An overview of the Madrid/Tokyo Award Ceremony will be provided shortly..

Photo: Idea Award Ceremony Tokyo venue Award winners and presenter: Dr. Shuji Tomita, Vice President, NTT Communications (back row, right side)
2003.5.13 Idea Award Winners Announced!
An international Evaluation Committee headed by Promotion Council President Jun Murai and including IPv6 Forum officials from North America, Europe and Asia recently completed a thorough review of the almost 50 Idea Award entries representing entrants from 15 countries.
This process culminated with the selection of 10 highly praised entries. 5 works [Award for Promotion] provided with 150,000 yen each toward implementation assistance and an additional 5 works [Award for Planning] allocated 50,000 yen each. We look forward with high expectation to the upcoming implementation of these and many other Idea Award entries.
A complete listing of all Idea Award entries can be found at: http://www.v6pc.jp/apc/en/invitation.html
An overview of the Madrid/Tokyo Award Ceremony will be provided shortly..
2003.3.7 A new page for user-suggested v6-applicable software is added to the IPv6style website.
IPv6style [ http://www.ipv6style.jp/jp/index.shtml ]
In this page, software that users are hoping will support v6, and suggestions for new software that users want to use on the IPv6 Internet is listed. Please send your opinions by e-mail. The list is sorted by topic popularity.
2003.3.5 The event co-sponsors and prize goods will be announced at the Net.Liferium event on March 14, 2003.
Net.Liferium2003 [ http://www.netliferium.jp/ ]
The Appli-Contest co-sponsors, prize goods, awards categories, and user-suggested v6-applicable software will be announced at the "IPv6 Town" stage of the Net.Liferium event. The Net.Liferium starts at Yokohama Pacifico on Friday, March 14, 2003. At this event, a variety of new IPv6 applications are planned for display. Visit this event for inspiration! Click here for event details.
2003.3.3 The deadline for the Idea Award application has been extended.
Madrid Global IPv6 Summit 2003 [ http://www.ipv6-es.com/ ]
The application deadline for the Idea Award application has been extended because the minimum number of applications has not yet been submitted. Please refer to the following details.
The revised deadline for the Idea Award: April 10, 2003 at 24:00
Announcement of the Idea Award winners and awards ceremony: Between May 12-14, 2003.
Ceremony location: Tokyo, Japan and Madrid, Spain
*Scheduled to be held during the Madrid Global IPv6 Summit 2003.
Concerning applicants who have already applied, thank you for your patience. Any corrections or changes to your entries may be submitted by April 10. In that case, please contact us by e-mail.
No changes are planned for the Implementation Award at this time.
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