Appplication/Submisison Start :
early June
Submission Deadline :
October 18
Awards Ceremony :
November 16 ( as a conference session of Global IP Business Exchange 2004. )
Top Prize (1 entry)
: Prize 100,000 JPY
: Supplementary Prize: Panasonic IPv6 Network Camera*1
Award of Excellence (2 entries)
: Prize 50,000 JPY
Idea Award (20 entries)
: Prize 10,000 JPY

* Panasonic IPv6 Network Camera
*1 This product supports both Japanese and English.
It cannot be distributed in some countries.
Setup is the responsibility of the individual user
Application Requirements
Applicants can be companies, groups or individuals of any nationality.
Applicants are required to submit the contest application in either Japanese or English.
Application Conditions
1. Please provide the idea in the form of a 2 page (A4) idea sheet. ( Idea Sheet Sample )
( .pdf, .doc, .ppt, .jpg, .gif, .txt, formats / inclusion of an image is possible )
1. Please limit you entry to two (2) pages.
2. Please DO NOT include your name/email address or other indivudual information within the entry.
3. The entry MUST include a title.
4. Please provide an outline of the entry (approx. 50 words).
5. Use diagrams etc. to clearly explain the point of the idea.
2. As a prerequisite, the idea MUST be based on the merits and strengths of IPv6:
- be connected to some form of network
- allow one-to-one communication regardless of location or state
- allow secure communication
- allow two-way communication between devices including but not limited to computers
3. There are no other restrictions than those listed above
[ would be good if we could do this ....] [ ... it would be good if this kind of service were available ...]
level of ideas are welcomed !
How to Apply
Please click the button above to access the online application form.
Other Application Regulations
- The applicant will maintain all applicable intellectual, technology and design copyrights for entries submitted to the contest, but the right for disclosure and distribution of entries submitted will belong to both the applicant and the Contest Organizer.
Entries must be unpublished and unsold at the time of application.
- The number of entries per applicant is unlimited.
- Submitted entries will be disclosed on the Contest website.
- Costs associated with entry must be paid for by the applicant.
- Please submit entries after ensuring that the submission does not invade any copyrights or related rights of others.
When copyrighted or related rights materials, such as art, motion picture, photography or music are used, please ensure approval from the rights holders before applying. If an invasion of rights or compensation for loss is insisted by a third party, the applicant must take full responsibility and handle the issue.
The Contest Organizer will not be held responsible for such issues.
- Concerning any damage or loss which may occur during transportation or the Contest, or any other related damages, the Contest Organizer will not accept responsibility for compensation.
If applicable, applicants must have insurance for entries or related documents.
- If the Contest Organizer reproduces or edits the entry for the sake of judgment, the control of the reproduction is endowed to the Contest Organizer.
- Entries submitted become the property of the contest and cannot be returned.
- Concerning matters not detailed in the Application Procedures, any decision required by the Contest Organizer will be considered final. If the applicant disapproves of the decision, the applicant may withdraw from the Contest within 7 days of notification.
- The Application Procedures are based upon, interpreted and made effective by Japanese law.
If a legal issue arises, the Tokyo District Court will be the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of first instance.
Judging/Awards Ceremony
(1) Standards for Judgment
1. What contribution is made to create a new Internet experience ?
2. How will the contribution promote and spread IPv6, the next Internet protocol ?
(2) Judging Criteria
The Evaluation Committee, which consists of board companies of IPv6 Promotion Council, IPv6 related groups, public organizations,
media related companies, will select winners.
Judging will be based on entries content submitted on the A4 2 page idea sheet.
(3) Announcement of Results
Winners will be notified from the Contest Office directly. Please note that only Award Winners will be contacted.
Also please note that questions cannot be answered concerning decisions of the Judging Committee.
Winners will be announced both at the Awards Ceremony and on the Contest website. Notification to a third party will also
be done using publication resources provided by the Contest Organizer.
(4) Awards Ceremony
The Awards Ceremony will be held as a conference session of Global IP Business Exchange 2004. Click here for details.